About CMEC

The Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate (CMEC) is a research center dedicated to the scientific fields of macroecology and biodiversity. CMEC is anchored at Section for Biodiversity at Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen.
The aim of CMEC's research is to elucidate biology’s “laws of nature” by focusing on the main processes influencing life on Earth. Our research helps the global society address two of the most pressing challenges of our time:
- How do we counter the ongoing global mass extinction of species?
- How do we predict the effects of global land use change and climate change on biological diversity?
The center is home to high-profile terrestrial and marine researchers, postdoctoral researchers, PhD fellows, and technical and administrative staff. Our scientific staff works within the fields of macroecology and biodiversity, historical biogeography, oceanography, evolutionary biology, ecology, population biology, climate change research, conservation biology, and environmental economics.
In addition, our staff is engaged in public science communication and outreach, citizen science, and teaching projects.
Find more information on the center, our activities, and staff below.
CMEC includes Villum Center for Global Mountain Biodiversity led by Professor Carsten Rahbek and Queen Margrethe's and Vigdís Finnbogadóttir's Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Ocean, Climate, and Society (ROCS) led by Professor Katherine Richardson.
In addition, CMEC hosts the Danish coordination office for IPBES, IPBES in Denmark.