
Here, you find a list of our researchers, technical and administrative staff, students, and collaborators. Find introductions and contact information in the menu below.
Find all staff at the Section for Biodiversity on the Globe Institute Staff site.
Faculty and Senior Members
Carsten Rahbek
Katherine Richardson
Kasper Thorup
David Nogués-Bravo
Neil David Burgess
Jon Fjeldså
Jette Bredahl Jacobsen
Niels Strange
Bo Jellesmark Thorsen
Mette Termansen
Michael Krabbe Borregaard
Rute da Fonseca
Jacob Heilmann-Clausen
Peter Andrew Hosner
Naia Morueta-Holme
Jonas Geldmann
Thomas Lundhede
Damien Fordham
Assistant Professors
Hannah Owens
Anna Brüniche-Olsen
Postdoctoral Researchers
Jesper Sonne
Harith Omar Morgadinho Farooq
Rikke Luther
Helena Alves-Pinto
Antonella Gorosábel
Axelle Justine Roxane Cordier
Kerstin Bouma
Torill Blix
PhD Fellows
Nicholas Freymueller
Katherine Pulido Chadid
Tiem van der Deure
Maj Sofie P. D. Christensen
Nathan Michielsen
Wessel Mulder
Muhammad Ilyas
Jesse Stanford
Technical, Administrative,
and Academic Staff
Kamilla Krause Kristensen
Louise Klinge Wejlemand
Tim Ammitzbøll Gudkov
Karsten Elmose Vad
Emma Emilie Andersen
Ea Luna Burmeister Kaaring
Katrine Minddal
Lars Green Dall
Anders Højgård Petersen
Lars Dinesen
Louis A. Hansen
Thomas Læssøe
Affiliates and Collaborators
Anna-Sofie Stensgaard
Henrik Glenner
Robert Whittaker
Miguel B. Araújo
Robert K. Colwell
Gary Graves
Ryan Ross Germain
![]() KERSTIN BOUMAPostdoctoral ResearcherI am an ecologist with a strong interest in nature conservation and restoration. I like to think about large ecological processes and to create research output that is relevant for practitioners and managers. During my postdoc project I will be working on quantifying nature management goals related to open-ended restoration. The project aims to collaborate with both researchers and managers to be able to get scientific output that can be applied in the field. I am based at CMEC under the supervision of Associate Professor Jacob Heilmann-Clausen. Email:
![]() TORILL BLIXVisiting Postdoctoral ResearcherI am a biotechnologist with an interest in sustainability and bioethics, working at NORCE Climate, Environment, and Sustaninability in Norway. In my postdoc project I study conditions for sustainable and socially acceptable use of genome editing in animals. During my stay here at section for Biodiversity and CMEC I will work with Professor David Nogués-Bravo on the risk to ecological resilience of introducing genome editing in conservation. Email: |
![]() MAJ SOFIE P. D. CHRISTENSENPhD FellowI am fascinated by the complex processes and species interactions that shape arctic ecosystems. My key interest is to understand how climate change may alter plant communities in the future and what implications these changes might have on ecosystem functioning. In my PhD project, I will use datasets from historical Danish botanists to perform field resurveys and reconstruct vegetation change over the past century. The project will include fieldwork in remote areas of western Greenland. Email: |
![]() MUHAMMAD ILYASPhD FellowI have a background in wildlife ecology and data science. My broad research interests center on understanding how biodiversity responds to the challenges of climate change. As a PhD student in the joint program between the University of Copenhagen and the University of Adelaide, I aim to use process-based models to investigate the recovery of large bodied herbivores and the associated ecosystem services. This research will enhance our understanding of how large herbivore restoration can influence the structure, function, and resilience of natural ecosystems, amid rapidly changing environmental conditions. Through my work, I hope to contribute insights that support the conservation and management of these important species. Email: |
Center Administrator
Administrative OfficerEmail: |
Communications AdviserI play an active part in most communication activities at CMEC and the Villum Center for Global Mountain Biodiversity, including digital communication and social media, press and news, and overall communication assistance and counseling. I hold a Master's degree in Rhetoric from UCPH with a special interest in critical analysis, representation, and strategic communication. I have previously been engaged in counseling and public relations, copywriting, and editorial work in both the private and public sector. Email: |
![]() EA LUNA BURMEISTER KAARINGStudent AssistantAs a Student Assistant at CMEC, I assist with the practical day-to-day tasks on our school projects and occasionally I also assist at our teacher courses and workshops. I’m currently taking a Bachelor’s degree in biology at the University of Copenhagen with a special interest in ecology and nature conservation. Email: |
![]() KATRINE MINDDALAcademic OfficerMy main interests are science education and science engagement activities in schools. At CMEC, I work on the project "A Greener Climate" ("Et grønnere klima") where I will develop interdisciplinary teaching materials and activities to be used in the Danish elementary schools within the topic of nature-based solutions. The project is a collaboration between science researchers and science communication professionals from both UCPH and University of Southern Denmark alongside science teacher associations, teachers, and students. My educational background is in teaching, conservation-restoration, and philosophy with years of experience in didactics and development of educational activities and materials. Email: |
ProfessorMy research is focused around three broad questions: why do species occur where they do? What processes drive speciation, persistence and extinction of species at varying spatial and temporal scales? How do processes operating at the individual-species level scale up to large ensembles of species and species richness? I have also a strong interest in the application of biogeographical principles, theories, and analyses to problems concerning the conservation of biodiversity at macroecological scales. Email: |
ProfessorAs an evolutionary ecologist, my interests center on the biology and geography of biodiversity. In the tropics, I have worked with the ecology and evolution of species interactions, and managed and developed database tools for a major biodiversity inventory. My work with biogeographical theory and spatial models has stimulated controversy and new directions in the field. Fruitful collaborations with colleagues at CMEC and at the Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil, continue to yield new insights into evolutionary biogeography and macroecology. In collaboration with Anne Chao, I have been active in developing new statistical methods and software tools for biodiversity statistics. In addition to my affiliation with CMEC, I am Distinguished Research Professor at the University of Connecticut; Museum Curator Adjoint at the Museum of Natural History, University of Colorado; and Professor e Pesquisador Visitante Especial, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil. Email: |
Research ScientistI am unapologetically curious about natural history and the pathways by which natural history observations catalyze significant discoveries in evolutionary ecology. Fieldwork has always played an integral role in my research program on the ecology, biogeography, and evolution of birds. Current investigations focus on the microbiome of New World vultures, biogeography of the Ozark Mountains, conservation biology of rare and declining species, and the determinants of geographic ranges. I am also deeply involved in international efforts to elucidate the complexities of the avian phylogeny through whole-genome analysis. I am Curator of Birds and Research Scientist at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Email: |
Assistant ProfessorPart of my research focuses on understanding how changing climate conditions affect the life-history dynamics and genetic diversity of wild bird populations. This work integrates observations from field studies and museum specimens with diverse, state-of-the-art analytical techniques to determine the sources of variation in demography within and among wild populations, and predict responses to selection given global environmental change. I am Tenure Track Researcher at Aarhus University. Email: |